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Thursday, July 13, 2006
This presentation is part of 3: Poster Sessions
Using WebCT and PC Tools to Create Online Courses

Description:This poster session will share helpful information conducive to creating, designing, and implementing an asynchronous or hybrid online language course. See how WebCT’s pedagogical tools and other PC tools can assist with the design, layout, course objectives, lesson activities, and other language components, such as audio, visual, communication, writing, and culture activities.
Presentation Format:Poster
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
WebCT Version:
Abstract Text:The purpose of the presentation is to provide the audience with helpful information conducive to creating, designing, and implementing an asynchronous or a hybrid on-line language course or for any course. The goals are to reduce anxieties associated with the on-line experience of creating an educational web course. Anxieties such as wonderment, self-doubt, minimal computer skills, and misinformation often deter an instructor from going forward with creating Cyber courses. Moreover, the goals are to answer any questions that arise from planning a web-based or asynchronous course. The audience will see first hand how WebCt provides pedagogical tools used for course development. Next, the audience will view how PC tools, that are already in place, provide and assist with the design, layout, course objectives, lesson activities, and other language components such as audio, visual, communicative, writing, and Culture activities. Finally, I hope the presentation provides substantial information to those individuals in the audience who have had doubts about on-line teaching, and individuals who need encouragement to follow up, go forward with creating web pages, and proceed into the world of on-line education.