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Thursday, July 13, 2006
This presentation is part of 3: Poster Sessions
Hands-on-Learning via the Web

Description:Learn about a UCONN internship that combines theoretical principles with practical application. Interns are trained on how to tutor elementary students who are struggling in reading. The UCONN Web-enabled courses provide an excellent vehicle to supplement required seminars. Session summaries, PowerPoint Presentations, course discussions, and quizzes give interns the skills needed to reach their students.
Presentation Format:Poster
Topic:Measuring outcomes: Student achievement and course success
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT
WebCT Version:Both WebCT Vista and WebCT Campus Edition
Abstract Text:An internship at University of Connecticut at Stamford combines theoretical principles with practical application training interns to tutor elementary students who are struggling in reading. The interns meet with six children each for ½ an hour twice a week. In addition there are eleven seminars sessions held weekly throughout the semester to train the students. However these seminars are not sufficient to train the students effectively in the time period allowed. Insufficient language skills are at the basis for poor reading. The teachers must be masters of their language. The UCONN Web enabled courses provides an excellent vehicle to supplement the seminars and give interns the skills needed to reach their students. The poster presentation will show some of the on-line activities: The organizer page consists of the following major modules: Course Materials: These include summaries of the seminars, the power point presentations, additional materials needed for lesson planning. Course Discussions: allows effective communication between student and professor and allows the professor to isolate common problems. Course Discussion: provides an excellent way for students to ask questions. Often when a student leaves a seminar, there are questions that rise upon reflection often forgotten by the next session. This also allows for discussion on the power point presentations and materials uploaded to the web. Quizzes on line are very effective to promote critical thinking and ensure that the student has processed the material without taking time from the seminars. Often talented students who cannot attend the seminars and who would both contribute to and benefit from such a program can still participate by the interaction provided by the Web CT. They can apply themselves to the tutoring with an adequate knowledge of theory. The Web CT is a must for an internship that combines theory and practice in equal amounts.