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Thursday, July 13, 2006
This presentation is part of 3: Poster Sessions
The Use of a Computer-Based Glossary to Enhance Student Learning

Description:This poster session demonstrates how students in a Pathology course created their own Glossary content in order to enhance knowledge of the subject matter. The Glossary was linked to all components of the WebCT course including the syllabus, objectives, lab manuals, and small group discussions.
Presentation Format:Poster
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and student support models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT
WebCT Version:WebCT Campus Edition
Abstract Text:Project Objectives: To design an online Glossary of course-related terms with images to enable students to:

1. Easily access definitions of terms mentioned in any component of the course (lectures, syllabi,laboratories, etc) 2. Recognize and integrate images with terms listed in the course objectives. 3. Take an elective to master an area of Pathology for credit and contribute to the education of other students by creating content for the Glossary. 4.Review pathology for the NBME Step I exam.

Project Description

1. A link to an alphabetical listing of the glossary was created on the home page. 2. As a prototype, the Course Director identified appropriate terms from one module to include in the Glossary. 3. A second year student in an elective provided definitions and identified images from a variety of sources including websites and previous course materials. 4. Appropriate terms within the course content were highlighted and linked to the Glossary.


An evaluation tool was developed to measure the utility of the project for the students participating in the elective. The student taking the elective reported a high degree of satisfaction.

An evaluation of the General Pathology students assesses their level of satisfaction.

The number of “student hits” on the Glossary is tallied to evaluate its perceived value to student learning.

Each computer-based quiz includes content from the Glossary. Test results from questions utilizing terms from the Glossary are compared to those not based on Glossary terms.


The Glossary is an effective teaching tool for General Pathology students.

The creation of the Glossary as an elective enhances the pathology knowledge base of the students who participate.

The use of the Glossary as a teaching tool can be effective for many types of courses, and once created in a single course, can be ported to other courses.