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Thursday, July 13, 2006
This presentation is part of 3: Poster Sessions
Using WebCT in a Blended Curriculum: An Innovative Program Design

Description:The Cytology and Biosciences program at the Medical University of South Carolina has developed a unique curriculum combining traditional instruction and online WebCT instruction. See how the use of the two instructional delivery methods allows for greater flexibility and enables all students to learn effectively based on their specific learning styles.
Presentation Format:Poster
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and student support models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
WebCT Version:WebCT Campus Edition
Abstract Text:The Cytology and Biosciences program in the College of Health Professions (CHP) at the Medical University of South Carolina offers a unique educational experience to cytotechnology students. The program is a blended curriculum of traditional classroom teaching and on-line teaching via WebCT. The two-year program culminates in a Masters degree. The original intent of the curriculum was to use traditional methods to provide first-year students with the professional education necessary to become board-certified cytotechnologists. Second-year students would complete their Masters degree via WebCT. During the developmental phase, the focus was changed slightly. Both on-line and traditional courses are now offered throughout the curriculum. The feasibility of this blended curriculum was possible because of the Student Laptop program in the College of Health Professions. Through a lease arrangement with Dell nearly all CHP students are issued personal laptops to use throughout their programs of study at no cost to the students. All laptops are loaded with standard software that is supported by the college information technology team. With the exception of three first-year courses, WebCT is used to enhance traditional instruction by allowing accessibility to lecture materials, schedules, testing, and assignment submissions. Two of the first-year courses are taught entirely using WebCT, and the third is a blended course. The second year of the curriculum is more WebCT intensive. In addition to using it as an administrative tool, the discussions and chat features are incorporated into the courses. Formal and informal feedback from students indicates that the blended curriculum provides them with the intended flexibility. However, since this is the first time many of the students have ever taken an on-line course, adjustments in time management and study skills has been necessary. Continuous evaluation will be conducted to further improve the quality of the educational experience.