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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 5:15 PM-6:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 04 (San Francisco Marriott)
K-2: Achieving Added Value From eLearning With Real-Time Data Integration
Detailed Description:Campus administrators managing eLearning initiatives are pulled in as many directions as there are university constituencies. Students increasingly demand accurate, self-service access to online learning tools, grades and course information; faculty desire a simplified way to communicate with students and to spend less time on data entry; and everyone wants to be more efficient. Marshall University and West Virginia University have met these demands by implementing LDI for eLearning – a collaborative solution from SunGard SCT and WebCT. The institutions will discuss their experience with the real-time data exchange solution, the results and value they’ve gained, and will answer questions regarding planning and implementation.
Presentation Format:Corporate
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff, K-12 Educational Staff, Senior Administrators, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Campus administrators managing eLearning initiatives are pulled in as many directions as there are university constituencies. Students increasingly demand accurate, self-service access to online learning tools, grades and course information; faculty desire a simplified way to communicate with students and to spend less time on data entry; and everyone wants to be more efficient.

Marshall University serves more than 16,000 students and 1,100 faculties. As an early adopter of both SCT Banner (1987) and WebCT (1996), Marshall completed migration to WebCT Vista with full integration to Banner in 2004. Today, Marshall has a WebCT Vista or an SCT Luminis presence for its more than 4,000 sections. The SCT Luminis presence provides a Single-Sign-On to the course content in the WebCT Vista environment. Real-time integration between WebCT Vista and its SCT Banner administrative system using the SCT Luminis Data Integration for eLearning is facilitating up-to-date and personalized information for users; reducing time-consuming data entry tasks and Help Desk requests; and enhancing communication with constituents.

West Virginia University's Real-time data exchange integration with WebCT Vista and the SCT Luminis Data Integration for eLearning is helping the institution enhance service to its 26,000 students and 5,700 faculty. The synchronization between West Virginia University's administrative system and WebCT Vista enables students to now access course information minutes after they are enrolled in a course, and review course grades in real-time.

For staff and faculty, manual data entry for courses has been eliminated freeing time to spend with students or focus efforts on other tasks. For a seamless transition with the new interface, WVU established a "Points of Contact" program throughout its multiple colleges to help distribute information, facilitate communication, and encourage adoption among faculty and staff.

Session Leader:Joshua Horner
SunGard SCT
Co-presenters:Allen Taylor
Marshall University

Kate C. Hazen
West Virginia University

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference