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Friday, 22 July 2005: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 09 (San Francisco Marriott)
5: Human Capital vs the Digital Divide. Lessons from a worldwide assessment of e-strategies and knowledge strategies
Detailed Description: Globalization is an information-intensive phenomenon. In the emerging global information economy, countries with lower rates of connectivity and e-readiness seem to be faced with insurmountable obstacles. Yet, networks and terminals are not everything. E-strategies, knowledge strategies, and development strategies overlap and mesh in new (and often unsuspected) ways. Against all odds, the human factor seems to emerge as the leading success ingredient of the information revolution. What are the consequences for firms, governments and populations around the world? Can the 'digital divide' be bridged, and 'digital opportunities' be shared?
Presentation Format:General Sessions
Target Audience:
Appropriate Audience Level:
Session Leader:Bruno Lanvin
The World Bank

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