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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 09 (San Francisco Marriott)
3: The Never Ending Education: How Universities must and can meet the educational needs of students and alumni for life
Detailed Description:Once, long ago and far away, universities could send their graduates off to life with a wave goodbye and only an occasional fund raising contact thereafter. No more. Life is far too complicated today. While previous generations often joined an organization for an entire career, today's graduates must expect to change careers several times. Even the nature of what one needs to know in a single profession changes as quickly as the weather. Technologies change. Demand for particular skills follows the changing emphasis in the economy. In the 90's it was all about computer science and information technology. Today it is biotechnology and health care. The legal, ethical, and practical compliance issues in any profession are a challenge to anyone. Continuous education is now the norm. The ability to learn and to change is a requirement for success in almost any career. Most of these learners will not be able to come to the learning. We must be prepared to take the learning to them, and to offer a lifetime maintenance contract on their undergraduate education.
Presentation Format:General Sessions
Target Audience:
Appropriate Audience Level:
Session Leader:Jack Wilson
University of Massachusetts

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