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Friday, 22 July 2005: 10:00 AM-10:45 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 06 (San Francisco Marriott)
M-14: WebCT – Fostering Chinese and Western Universities Academic Collaboration
Detailed Description:WebCT made a commitment to China in 2005. Part of the role of the WebCT office will be to foster and forge academic exchanges between Chinese universities and universities from around the world. Think about how WebCT can help your students get exposed to China. This presentation will focus on WebCT’s plans in China specifically and the role we can play in helping foster academic exchanges. Being able to help Chinese universities foster relations with non-Chinese universities as well as sharing content is of interest to many institutions today.
Presentation Format:WebCT
Topic:Planning e-learning: Strategies for Institutional Change
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Abstract Text Not Found

Session Leader:Shaun Rein

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference