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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 5:15 PM-6:00 PM
Nob Hill A-B (San Francisco Marriott)
K-11: Portals, SSO and Extensibility – Oh, My!
Detailed Description:This session will cover how Single Sign-On and new portal standards (such as JSR-168, WSRP and Microsoft Web Parts) can be used with the WebCT Vista PowerLinks SDK in WebCT Vista and WebCT Campus Edition 6 to make it easier to provide more ways to leverage the LMS in your institution.
Presentation Format:WebCT
Topic:Integrating the campus: Technical solutions and extended uses
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, K-12 Educational Staff, Senior Administrators, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:This session will cover how Single Sign-On and new portal standards (such as JSR-168, WSRP and Microsoft Web Parts) can be used with the Vista PowerLinks SDK in Vista and CE6 to make it easier to provide more ways to leverage the LMS in your institution.

Session Leader:Mark Wilcox

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference