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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 01 (San Francisco Marriott)
J-14: Using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to Understand Student Behavior in Online Classes
Detailed Description:Transforming a traditional RN-BSN program to online presented some unexpected challenges in our college of nursing. Small group work, which had contributed to the development of a caring community in the classroom, appeared to create chaos and conflict when implemented online. Students complained of feeling “overwhelmed” and they exhibited behavior that was uncharacteristic for their reported MBTI. Personality type dynamics related to stress were used to examine the process and create strategies for managing chaos.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Transforming a traditional RN-BSN program to online presented some unexpected challenges in our college of nursing. Small group work, which had contributed to the development of a caring community in the classroom, appeared to create chaos and conflict when implemented online. Students complained of feeling “overwhelmed” and they exhibited behavior that was uncharacteristic for their MBTI. Quenk (1996) describes out-of-character or “in the grip” experiences relating them to stress. She emphasizes the normality of these occurrences and how they can be used to increase understanding of self and others. Quenk discusses triggers for out-of-character experiences and guidelines for returning to usual behavior patterns. This presentation examines our experience with the first online class in view of Quenk's explanation of hidden personality which may emerge in periods of stress.

Session Leader:Ellen McElroy
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Co-presenters:Kathy L. Newman
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Barry N. Scott
University of Alabama in Huntsville

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference