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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 01 (San Francisco Marriott)
E-15: The Tennessee Tech Tablet Initiative
Detailed Description:In Fall 2004, Tennessee Tech University initiated a pilot project to launch tablet PCs as the norm for faculty computing. This session presents a history of the project including the way in which the tablets were used with WebCT.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Tennessee Tech University launched a tablet initiative in the Fall of 2004 which was targeted towards faculty who were not current technology users but who were very good teachers in the classroom. Faculty members were given a Motion M1400 if they were willing to sign a contract agreeing to be technologically friendly, be paper free in their classroom based courses, undergo 12 hours of training in best teaching practices (including technology as well as pedagogy), become a part of a peer mentoring program, and create an online course.

The panel is comprised of four individuals. The Project leader (who did the technology training) will cover the administrative issues involved, the process of developing the proposal, the faculty selection criteria, as well as why we selected the specific tablet and its easy integration with WebCT. The Project co-leader (who did the pedagogical training) will cover the principles and practices selected (the ASSURE method and multiple intelligences were emphasized) as well as transferring and applying those principles to tablets and WebCT. One faculty member from nursing will cover turning a course from classroom based to online, using the tablet for grading assignments turned in through the WebCT assignments tool, as well as the assessment benefits of using WebCT Quiz and Survey tool for nursing majors and the high levels of student satisfaction and increased test scores. Another faculty member from music will cover using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX's IMS Content Packager to move an entire course into WebCT as well as the use of Tablet designed music software for students.

The session will include successes, challenges, and lessons learned.

Session Leader:Robert J. Clougherty
Institute for Technological Scholarship
Co-presenters:Sandi Smith
Tennessee Tech University

Darlene Franklin
Tennessee Tech University

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