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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Nob Hill C-D (San Francisco Marriott)
E-2: "Top 10" Faculty Questions
Detailed Description:As a support office, we get many questions regarding WebCT. What is a backup? What is a template? How do I login? What do I do with this tool? Why can’t students see their grades? And many more! This panel, from a large Research 1 institution with 46,000 students, will discuss those 10 top questions that we receive on a weekly basis and how we resolved them.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, K-12 Educational Staff, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:As a support office we get many questions regarding WebCT. What is a backup? What is a template? How do I login? What do I do with this tool? Why can’t students’ see their grades? And many more! This panel will discuss those 10 top questions that we receive on a weekly basis and how we resolve them.

In addition to WebCT, faculty rely on our office to help troubleshoot their computer problems, even if it isn’t related to WebCT. How can I turn on my computer? How do I load the JVM and what is it? Why do I have to disable my pop-up blockers? When did I install SP2? How do I send out an e-mail through NEO? These questions can be answered quickly, yet it keeps us from the important questions. What is the best use of this tool? How can I have my students journal within WebCT? Why isn’t it okay to post a video without a transcript? The list goes on and on.

We try to give the faculty the answers before they come to us by posting handouts and tutorials on our web site, but not all faculty members read. And some are just too busy to try to figure it out themselves. That’s when we come in; the WebCT gurus and goddesses. We are here to help them determine the smallest detail in WebCT to the most complicated. Those distinctions are tiny when dealing with faculty from a complete computerite to a computer genius. We are here to share are woes and accomplishments and hopefully give some of our knowledge to other WebCT gurus and goddesses.

Session Leader:Rhonda D. Blackburn
Texas A&M University
Co-presenters:Candace H. Schaefer
Texas A&M University

Sally X. Yang
Texas A&M University

Yakut Gazi
Texas A&M University

James R. Snell
Texas A&M University

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference