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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 5:15 PM-6:00 PM
Nob Hill C-D (San Francisco Marriott)
K-6: Dr. D and Other Innovative Ideas for Faculty Development
Detailed Description:Seeing the same faces in your training sessions? How are the others learning and how can we attract new users? Based on research conducted last year, UWG has implemented new approaches to faculty development. In addition to the traditional workshops and online tutorials, Dr. D representatives make house calls and everyone shares informally in the Apollo Lounge. Details of these as well as other new initiatives will be shared, along with feedback concerning their impact.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The University of West Georgia, like many institutions, faces obstacles in attracting and training faculty to lead distance courses effectively. Survey research conducted and shared at last year's WebCT conference confirmed our anecdotal observations, regarding how and where most faculty learn their online teaching skills. The results concluded that the majority of our instructors were not learning as much from our group workshops, one-on-one training, or online tutorials, as they were learning from experience – both theirs and their peers'. Most training, we found, was taking place informally “in the halls” of our campus. This session will present five new faculty development programs that were the result of last year's findings, including the most popular – the Dr. D Program and the Apollo Lounge. The discussion will include data assessing the impact of the new programs, including telephone survey results from approximately 50 faculty who participated during Fall 2004 and early Spring 2005. The final segment of the session will discuss scalability issues and the correlation between different types of training and course success. Attendees will gain insight into how faculty learn to teach online; ideas on how faculty development programs may be improved to address the real needs of their instructors; and knowledge of how what's working for us may be replicated on their campus.

Session Leader:Janet P. Gubbins
University of West Georgia
Co-Presenter:Chris Fearrington
University of West Georgia

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference