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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
Pacific H (San Francisco Marriott)
H-3: From the Horse’s Mouth: Using WebCT for WebCT Faculty Training
Detailed Description:What better way to train faculty on how to use WebCT than to provide training in WebCT itself? The University of New Mexico’s Online WebCT Training course moves participants from an introduction to WebCT through course development, providing tips about effective practices for online instructional design along the way. Lessons include step-by-step directions, video demonstrations, interactive activities and discussion to engage participants. This presentation will showcase the course and review development, implementation, and usage.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The University of New Mexico has offered hands-on WebCT training for faculty via group and individual sessions in a computer lab for several years. Recently, we expanded our training format to include an online training course which has already become quite popular. This self-paced course, built and taught through WebCT, is a tutorial for instructors who wish to use WebCT in their classes. The course covers topics such as WebCT Overview, Using WebCT Tools, WebCT Course Design (building a course), and effective practices for online instructional design. Lessons include step-by-step directions, video demonstrations, interactive activities, and discussion to engage participants. TRY IT! and Exploration exercises give participants an opportunity to practice what they learn in an applied setting.

The training course not only provides tips and resources about online instructional design, it also strives to set an example itself. The course contains numerous design elements to enhance its effectiveness as an instructional tool, providing faculty with concrete examples of items they can replicate in their own academic courses. These include learner support (such as the use of the WebCT Glossary), avenues for interaction and community-building, an uncluttered and easily navigable course design, clear instructions, use of WebCT Organizer Pages and Content Modules to create manageable chunks of information, self-tests and quizzes with built-in feedback, multiple modalities for presentation of information, and active learning strategies.

This online training course has been well-received by faculty at UNM and is reaching participants who have not been able to attend in-person training sessions. This presentation will showcase the online training course and review development, implementation, and usage of the course. Workshop attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and share techniques they have used for online WebCT training on their campuses. Evaluation data and future directions for the training course will also be discussed.

Session Leader:Trina M. Altman
University of New Mexico/New Media & Extended Learning

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference