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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 5:15 PM-6:00 PM
Pacific J (San Francisco Marriott)
K-9: Managing Standards, Flexibility, and Content Across Sections In WebCT Campus Edition
Detailed Description:This showcase examines how the University of New Mexico English Department successfully teaches multiple sections of Technical and Professional Writing. We will examine how translating this course to an online format helped standardize course material to ensure learning outcomes and student success across multiple sections while providing instructors with flexibility and needed support.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:UNM's English Department offers Technical and Professional Writing as an online course using WebCT's Campus Edition. Each semester, we offer 24 sections of the course with eight to ten sections fully online. Because teaching assistants and part-time instructors teach many of these courses, our challenge has been to standardize the material offered and provide training to our instructors to ensure that learning outcomes are consistent. Our goal is to provide instructors with flexibility within the online format and ensure our students' success in what is often a foreign learning environment. Working closely with UNM's New Media and Extended Learning Department, we developed a template for the course that provides our students with a user-friendly learning environment.

In this session, I will explain how we translated this course into an online format with standardized course material to ensure learning outcomes and student success. I will demonstrate how we used learning outcomes as a guide for course development, worked with student surveys to help adjust content and assignments, obtained and implemented instructor feedback on course design, developed course materials to engage students and better prepare them for formal assignments, created methods to ensure student success, and developed a database of course materials for instructors to work from in customizing their course.

During the session, I will provide guidelines that participants can apply to their own instructional design. I will also present the results of student surveys and comments from instructors. It is my hope that by sharing our experience setting up a multiple section course, participants will have a better understanding of how they might do the same.

Session Leader:Valerie J. Thomas
University of New Mexico

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference