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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
Nob Hill A-B (San Francisco Marriott)
H-12: Transforming WebCT Training through Certification
Detailed Description:If you are instructional support staff trying to impact faculty development or professional development programs across your school, you will benefit from the experience of WebCT Certified Trainers. The Certification training helped them enhance not only their own training practices but also, enabled them to transform training materials, their delivery, communication and promotional techniques, feedback retrieval, and program goals. You can expect to see how Certification can change the way learning happens at your institution.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Many universities, particularly regional, public schools, are taking leadership positions in delivering appealing and effective online instruction to their communities. Competition from successful national online schools, a growing demand by students for more "convenient" class schedules, and a concurrent demand by employers to further the education of staff as business becomes more dependent on information technologies are some of the motivating factors. To meet these challenges universities will need to further the professional development of their faculty and staff in online instruction. The presentation's goal is to provide the faculty trainers and instructional staff with real-world examples of how WebCT's Trainer Certification can transform not only their training skills but also the overall program design and deployment of faculty training at their schools. The objectives include describing and demonstrating how Certification 1) improves individual's training skills; 2) enhances training materials, including print and electronic media; 3) triggers program evaluation and overhaul through modeling best practices; and 4) promotes re-designing workshop delivery to include online as well as face-to-face training programs. Attendees can expect to: 1) identify personal training goals and objectives; 2) discover programming goals that support professional growth; 3) discover institutional missions that require enhancement of training programs; and 4) identify three to four reasons why Certification is right for their individual and institutional development. The goal of this presentation is to promote the transforming effects of Certification on individual and institutional professional development, sustaining life-long learning and development for staff, faculty, and students across the institution.

Session Leader:Samuel A. McCool
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Co-presenters:Michael Ellis Scheuermann
Drexel University

Danny Martin
Pulaski Technical College

Erin Shelley
Northern Arizona University

Shirley Lesch
George Brown College

Mark Burris
Ouachita Technical College

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference