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Friday, 22 July 2005: 10:00 AM-10:45 AM
Pacific H (San Francisco Marriott)
M-7: Nobody Can See You Smile Online
Detailed Description:Sometimes faculty are encouraged to concentrate on customer service in order to create a community on the college campus, but such emphasis, while important, can lead to the perception that the online campus is impersonal and thus naturally ineffective. A campus should focus on challenging and stimulating students, and online, teachers can use a combination of WebCT tools to help create a vital environment that is personal on a level appropriate for the college campus.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Some faculty development sessions encourage faculty to create a sense of community on the college campus in order to retain students or improve morale, but the type of community that is emphasized, while important, is of a superficial nature. This community is based on the customer service model that can be taken to an extreme: a college campus should have a smiling familial or friendly atmosphere, or a college campus should follow the business model in which the customer is always right.

While a polite and positive tone is important to any place, taken alone, it is not enough to invigorate a campus. Being pleasant is not enough if there is no substance. Such concentration on the superficial can lead to the perception that the online campus is impersonal and thus automatically and naturally ineffective. However, a true college campus focuses on creating a challenging and stimulating environment that helps students grow. In as such, the online campus is as vital as the physical campus in helping colleges meet their objectives.

Just as on the physical campus, the online college community requires clear and specific guidelines that both teacher and student follow in order to create a safe and stimulating place to think and discuss; meaningful and positive communication and group interaction on an academic level; and a true challenge with a true feeling of achievement. Teachers can use a combination of content modules, the discussion board and email, student presentations and homepages, and URL links to help create a vital environment that is personal on a level appropriate for the college campus.

Session Leader:Angie Macri-Hanson
Pulaski Technical College
Co-presenters:Joseph Cole
Pulaski Technical College

Amy Baldwin
Pulaski Technical College

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