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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 2:30 PM-3:15 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 02 (San Francisco Marriott)
I-14: Reaching K-12 Students with WebCT
Detailed Description:See how WebCT’s interactive calendar, Web links, course materials, discussion board, and e-mail help K-12 students learn in a familiar, fun environment. This session includes examples of WebCT course shells used to deliver entire courses and shells used to supplement courses taught in traditional classrooms. Examples from Math, Earth Science, and Web Design will be presented. These delivery methods are easy to implement and they work for all ages and subjects.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:This session showcases several WebCT course shells that have been used with 7-12 grade public school students. The session's purpose is to give attendees ideas for using WebCT course shells at the K-12 level.

The supplementary WebCT course shells presented in this session have been used with Mathematics and Earth Science courses taught over a state-wide interactive television network as well as with courses taught on-site in a traditional classroom. These course shells showcase the use of WebCT's interactive calendar with a record of daily class assignments and activities including links to web sites, power point presentations, assignment sheets, and activities that are written by the teacher or supplied with the course text. The course materials are accessed via WebCT's content modules and linked into the calendar. Course syllabi are included as single page links from WebCT organizer pages.

The session also includes examples of several completely on-line courses that have been written and delivered to K-12 students with WebCT. They include Web Design 1 & 2 (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash), and Photoshop and incorporate texts from the “Teach Yourself Visually” series. Directions and examples for course assignments and projects are written in electronic documents, then uploaded, delivered and graded with WebCT's assignment tool. Students are required to post items to the discussion board and communicate extensively with the teacher using WebCT's email tool. Quizzes are written, taken, and graded with the quiz tool. The courses include directions for navigating through the course and links to student work. All grading and student communication for the courses is done inside of WebCT.

All of these course shells were used with 7-12 grade students and were written by a K-12 teacher, working full-time. The intent of this showcase is to give regular teachers ideas for using WebCT to enhance classroom learning.

Session Leader:Paula L. Kurtenbach

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference