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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 13 (San Francisco Marriott)
E-1: "A Tale of Three Universities": The Continued Story
Detailed Description:Three of the early WebCT Vista adopters come together to present their strategies and experiences with their deployments of WebCT Vista. Topics that will be shared include: 1. Deployment and upgrade strategies 2. Technical architectures 3. Current Issues and challenges 4. Integration initiatives 5. Lessons learned 6. Future plans and directions
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, Senior Administrators, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Any institution deploying WebCT Vista is confronted with a diverse number of options and possible implementation strategies. The combined presentation, from three WebCT Vista Institutions, is intended to provide a broad overview of the successes, and other experiences, in the first three years since WebCT Vista was released. The presentation and follow up discussions will look at each Institutions governance strategy, deployment methodology and technical architecture. They will discuss lessons learned from their implementations and upgrades. Status on integration initiatives with third-party vendor software and collaboration projects will be also be provided.

Session Leader:Deborah B. Whitten
Purdue University
Co-presenters:Susan L. Stein
University of Alberta

Brian Finnegan
University System of Georgia

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference