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Friday, 22 July 2005: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Yerba Buena Salon 01 (San Francisco Marriott)
L-5: Engaging Staff in Organizational Change for e-Learning.
Detailed Description:How to manage change and support staff throughout the implementation of e-learning solutions is a major challenge. City University and the University of Surrey – both research-driven and devolved institutions - have been running WebCT Vista since 2003 and have adopted different strategies to address common themes around managing institutional change for e-learning. We address a range of support strategies and propose some frameworks for e-learning implementations which can be contextualised to meet different institutions’ needs.
Presentation Format:Paper
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have been planning or implementing large scale e-learning projects: City University and the University of Surrey were the first institutions in the UK to adopt WebCT Vista and implement an enterprise approach to e-learning provision. This represents a move to centralise e-learning infrastructures and provide more effective data flows within institutions; as such, these implementation projects often involve major changes, including introducing new modes of working and collaborating. However, both institutions are research-driven with a highly devolved and autonomous structure – Schools and Faculties have their own budgets and considerable influence in the direction of central support strategies. This paper addresses how to support and manage the implementation process within a devolved institution. It considers how best to meet a variety of needs within the institution through adopting an individualistic model of support which can be balanced with the need to rollout a standard system across the organisation. City and Surrey have adopted different strategies for addressing similar issues around designing professional development programmes, promoting e-learning methodologies and tailoring support services to meet subject-specific needs. This paper discusses the range of strategies deployed to get buy-in and promotion from senior management to those developed with the academic community. One of the key aspects of e-learning implementation is that it cuts across traditional boundaries of departments and roles. Both Universities have created central support with multi-skilled teams that present a model of how e-learning can create new roles. We reflect on how successful our approaches have been in engaging and supporting staff and present frameworks that can be adopted for other institutions involved in a similar process.

Session Leader:Susannah Quinsee
City University
Co-Presenter:Vicki Simpson
Surrey University

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