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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 04 (San Francisco Marriott)
E-9: Mission Impossible: Rapid Transition of an Online RN-BSN Program
Detailed Description:It was official - our College of Nursing would move the RN-BSN program online…in a little less than eight months! A Dean-appointed task force was commissioned to develop and implement a plan to accomplish this objective…on time. A central question surfaced time and again: how do we maintain standards of academic rigor and quality in the switch to online learning…in less than a year? Our exciting (and sometimes chaotic) journey is the subject of this presentation.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Planning e-learning: Strategies for Institutional Change
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Planning for online learning presents a myriad of challenges in ideal circumstances. In January 2004, a small group of nursing faculty and an instructional designer who also served as the campus WebCT Administrator began work toward transforming a traditional RN-BSN program to an online format…to be ready for the start of fall semester the same year. This Dean-appointed task force was commissioned to develop and implement a plan for the conversion.

After establishing a master timeline, the task force began Phase I—forming working groups of 2-3 to identify and develop necessary policies and procedures for online classes. In Phase II, different working groups addressed several other issues, including: development of a WebCT template for online courses and web page design guidelines; development of a master checklist for course development; peer review process; and online course evaluation forms. In Phase III, a training needs assessment was conducted and workshops were developed to address both technical and pedagogical skills and knowledge. Following these planning stages, the first three courses were developed and peer evaluated. Our presentation describes our exciting (and sometimes chaotic) journey, lessons learned, and issues and recommendations related to planning for online learning.

Session Leader:Kathy L. Newman
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Co-presenters:Barry N. Scott
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Ellen McElroy
University of Alabama in Huntsville

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference