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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 06 (San Francisco Marriott)
H-13: Using Group Dynamics to Enhance Learning Success
Detailed Description:Retention and educational success relate to the role of intentional group dynamics strategies in the orientation and residency stages at Concordia University, St. Paul. Strong group cohesion leads to stronger group norms, higher achievement goals, and a stronger cooperative learning environment. This session will cover basic and simple strategies that any instructor can use to convert a group of individuals to a learning group or high performance growth team.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Driving student success: Attracting, supporting and retaining learners
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Student retention and educational success relate to the use of intentional group dynamics strategies in the orientation and residency stages at Concordia University, St. Paul, where strong group cohesion leads to stronger group norms, higher achievement toward goals, and a healthier cooperative learning environment. This session will cover basic, simple strategies that any instructor can use to convert a group of individuals into a learning group or high performance growth team. The objectives of the presentation are: 1) To increase consideration of the value of relationships in the processes of learning; 2) To motivate use of group dynamics principles in the learning environment; 3) To improve the student learning context for a positive attitude toward learning. This presentation will cover basic research correlating group cohesion and learning capacity; a philosophy of how and why it is used at CSP; and provide experiential opportunities to learn some strategies. Most of the session will be a lab experience demonstrating a successful model for creating class/group/cohort cohesiveness in the learning context. The results will increase the value of developing group cohesion for the tasks of learning, as well as underscoring the importance of community building for face-to-face and online students. After the session, participants are expected to possess some simple, basic strategies to aid them in their educational role, and it is expected that participants will implement some new form of community building experience in their future role as instructors. Recommendations include further study on ways to broaden online community building strategies for use in online learning communities. This should be a fun session for participants, as they get to know each other better and learn strategies that break the ice in a new group, develop community, and begin to build trust bonds with others.

Session Leader:James Gimbel
Concordia University
Co-Presenter:Jean Rock
Concordia University

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