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Thursday, 21 July 2005: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 03 (San Francisco Marriott)
J-16: WebCT Vista Institutional Administrator Open Discussion
Detailed Description:This roundtable offers a moderated forum for Institutional Administrators to openly discuss their successes and difficulties during their WebCT Vista implementation. It is a chance to discuss successful implementation strategies, lessons learned, problems encountered, and helpdesk solutions. The moderator is the Institutional Administrator at Georgia Perimeter College, an early adopting college, the heaviest WebCT Vista user in the Georgia University System since Spring 04. We expect a lively, helpful discussion.
Presentation Format:Roundtable
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, Senior Administrators, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Vista Implementation is a huge task at an institution. WebCT Institutional Admins often are so caught up in their own local issues that they are unable to keep up with how things are going at other schools. The goal of this presentation is to give Admins that bigger picture. In March 2004, during a difficult point in our Vista experience, the University System of Georgia began a System-wide Vista Admin Listserv along with a weekly Vista Admin conference call. These communication tools have helped USG Vista Administrators to feel less isolated and to have a channel for finding help when needed.

Similarly, this presentation will offer a moderated forum for Vista Institutional Admins to openly discuss their successes and difficulties during their first two years of Vista implementation. It will be a chance to suggest successful implementation strategies, offer lessons learned, describe problems encountered, provide successful Helpdesk solutions, and discuss other Vista implementation issues. The moderator is the institutional Admin at Georgia Perimeter College, an early adopting college in the Georgia University System, the heaviest USG Vista user since Spring 04. We expect a lively, helpful discussion. Participants are asked to come prepared to summarize their institution's experience.

Session Leader:David Robinson
Georgia Perimeter College

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference