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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 2:30 PM-3:15 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 04 (San Francisco Marriott)
D-15: WebCT Vista File Sharing - Finding Your Way Through the Maze
Detailed Description:This presentation will cover the full range of file sharing, from sharing within a section, between sections of the same course, through to file sharing across the institution. The presenters have devised a way of empowering section designers to share files across the institution without the intervention of an administrator. It will deal with the sharing of individual files, IMS content packing, and sharing based on templates in relation to user roles and access permissions.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The conceptual notion of a Learning Object Manager has recently been introduced by WebCT to draw attention to Vista's facilities for sharing resources. In this paper, the presenters explore possible ways of fleshing out this role with reference to Vista's File Manager, the Learning Context Manager and the Template Manager.

The presentation will cover the full range of file sharing, from sharing within a section, between sections under the control of an individual section designer, through to file sharing across the institution. It will address sharing of individual files, IMS content packages and sharing based on templates. The implications and advantages of these different ways of sharing resources will be explored and contrasted.

With respect to individual files and IMS content sharing, the presenters have devised a way of empowering section designers to share files across the institution without the need for the intervention of an administrator. This is achieved by creating a separate group in the Learning Context Manager that has a single course into which faculty can be enrolled on as course designers, in addition to enrolments relating to their teaching. This enables them to create folders and files that can be shared with any other designer of that course. The exclusive purpose of that course is to able file sharing between faculty across the institution.

The presentation will further look at linking to files versus copying files, as well as ways of restricting permissions to edit files. It provides an insight into both the opportunities and the complexity of file sharing. Participants will be invited to talk about their experiences of file sharing in Vista at their institutions.

Session Leader:Andy Syson
Coventry University
Co-Presenter:Kathy Courtney
Coventry University

See more of The 7th Annual WebCT User Conference