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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 2:30 PM-3:15 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 02 (San Francisco Marriott)
D-8: Migrating from Windows to Red Hat Linux and General WebCT Administration
Detailed Description:Evaluate the need to move from Windows to Linux. Move was based on increased demand, and to save money by not purchasing more powerfull hardware. Describe moving from Mercury Message Broker to Luminous Message Broker. At the same time, migrate from using Social Security numbers as IDs and switch to a randomly generated number. Additionally, talk about general administration practices.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, E-learning Managers, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:After numerous hardward upgrades, the limits of how far hardward could go based upon our budget was being reached.

Presents how a plan was formed and what steps were taken to migrate their WebCT installation over to RedHat Linux. Talks about the benefits that have been seen in making that change.

Simultaneous to changing operating systems, we also changed our whole student id system. We talk about how that change affected WebCT and how we smoothly made the change.

We have used SCT's MMB system for 3 years, we are in the process of migrating to LDIS e-Learning. We discuss the process of migrating and administering LDIS without depending heavily on our single DBA.

Present on basic system administration duties with Linux. Use of CLAMAV (anti-virus). How our backup procedure works and how we replicate our data to another backup server using RSYNC. Describe our procedure for retaining courses once they have ended.

Present our ideas for future system architecture at our institution.

Session Leader:Shajan Kay
Oakland University
Co-Presenter:Andrew Forgue
Oakland University

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