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Wednesday, 20 July 2005: 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
Yerba Buena Salon 13 (San Francisco Marriott)
C-4: Exemplary Online Instruction: A Program from Chico State
Detailed Description:California State University, Chico has developed a Rubric for Online Instruction and has implemented a program for recognizing exemplary online instruction. Faculty get recognition at an annual conference. Certificates go in their file for RTP. Examples of their courses are designed into poster collages, a Web site, and now a DVD. Come see the program and how we promote it. Get a DVD to take back to your campus to show what can be done.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Planning e-learning: Strategies for Institutional Change
Target Audience:Academic Technology Directors, Course Designers, E-learning Managers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Institutional Research and Assessment Staff, K-12 Educational Staff, Senior Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:California State University, Chico has been involved in evaluating online instruction for the past three years. Instructors, administrators, staff and students developed their own "Rubric for Online Instruction" in the summer of 2002. Since that time they have implemented a program in which faculty may nominate an online course for evaluation by a committee of their peers. Courses rated as exemplary by the standards of their Rubric for Online Instruction are recognized and awarded at an annual conference. Recognition of instructors involves a photo-shoot to incorporate playful poses into a collage with course screen shots. Posters are shown at the Awards Banquet and instructors get their own copy. A Web site depicts examples of course work shown per category of the rubric. A DVD has been created to showcase the program from CSU, Chico, and includes interviews of faculty from the 2003 award winners. This presentation will show all elements of the program, and will feature some interviews off the DVD of faculty talking about their experiences with exemplary online instruction. This is an evolving process for faculty to constantly improve their teaching for the sake of student learning. Come and see the Rubric for Online Instruction, and the means by which Chico recognizes faculty for work well done. The rubric is free for you to adopt at your own campus.

Session Leader:Laura Sederberg
CSU, Chico

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