Tuesday, 13 July 2004: 8:30 AM-9:15 AM

Northern B-C-D (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

2: 15 "Minnie" Myths on the Present and Future State of Online Learning

Detailed Description:After more than 10 years of Web-based instruction, it is now important to visualize where this field is headed in the next decade. In looking to the future, Curt Bonk will showcase the findings of his 2003-2004 national survey of more than 500 college instructors and administrators on the future of online learning in higher education. Online learning predictions will be made for the next decade in such areas as blended learning, course quality, assessment, instructor training, freelance instruction, learning styles, emerging technologies, and entrepreneurial relationships. Dr. Bonk’s findings will counter many pervasive online learning myths and misconceptions. This research will also address questions such as whether instructors should be taught how to mentor or how to model online and where online instructor training will likely come from. Will online lectures finally give way to student-centered instruction? What learning tools and assessment techniques are emerging to support one’s online teaching efforts? How will students be trained and supported in online environments? During his wizardly presentation, Bonk will peer into his crystal ball to forecast several important technological and pedagogical trends in higher education as well as future roles for college instructors and institutions.
Presentation Format:General Sessions
Target Audience:
Appropriate Audience Level:
Session Leader:Curtis Bonk
Indiana University

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