Tuesday, 13 July 2004: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM

Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

C-12: Procuring an Enterprise e-Learning System: Voices of Experience

Detailed Description:Panel members will share their experiences of managing an enterprise e-learning procurement for their institution. How did they structure their product selection process? How did they get the attention and commitment of their senior executives? What do they wish they hadn't done? How did they get input from the faculty? Come to this discussion-oriented session with your list of questions for the panel.
Presentation Format:WebCT
Topic:Deploying enterprise e-learning: Strategies for success
Target Audience:Senior Administrators, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:

Session Leader:Karen Gage
Co-presenters:Douglas Johnson
University of Florida

Jean Fruth
Weber State University

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference