Thursday, 15 July 2004: 9:30 AM-10:15 AM

Asia 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

L-1: A Mission Possible: Integrating WebCT’s E-learning Environment into your Teaching

Detailed Description:Calling all fellow teaching "Secret Agents": I have a Mission for you! Integrate the e-learning environment of WebCT into your teaching environment. Sounds impossible? Well, it's not! Your mission is to come and see how easy it is to develop and manage a variety of teaching and learning resources for your students using WebCT. The flexibility of this web-based format combined with publisher’s content or e-packs guarantees the success of your mission.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Experts today emphasize the learner-center approach to education, no matter what mode of instructional delivery is utilized. Student success can only be achieved when various teaching and course resources are developed that clearly address the diverse types of learners. Therefore, an instructor should look for supplemental resources that reach out to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.

Technology has been integrated into every aspect of our lives, so why not teaching? Good teachers look for ways to reach out and touch each type of learner and technology provides an excellent medium. It opens a new world of opportunities that uses advanced pedagogical tools housed in a technological framework. Technology-assisted learning appropriately utilizes technology to deliver learning resources. It may be in the form of on-line quizzing, e-lectures, on-line homework assistance, real life business application videos, and various other Internet activities.

In addition, incorporating technology into a course broadens the content of the course, provides a flexible learning environment, enhances students’ capability with interactive technology, provides prompt feedback, encourages active learning, emphasizes time on task, improves access to course materials, as well as enhances the students’ development of generic skills.

Remember, technology doesn’t replace the instructor- it enhances the quality of the learning experience as well as the delivery and comprehension of the subject matter.

The technology-driven supplemental material housed in WebCT provided with e-packs and from publishers can be used to complement traditional on-campus classes as well as on-line Internet courses with great success. You will find that compared to a traditional lecture course, a course that uses technology requires greater participation and interactivity from students as well as providing an asynchronous learning environment.

Become familiar with the numerous technology-driven teaching and learning resources. In no time you will discover creative ways to integrate the resources into your course.

Session Leader:Janice A. Stoudemire
Midlands Technical College

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference