Wednesday, 14 July 2004: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM

Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

G-8: Plant, Water, Fertilize: Growing Campus-wide Infrastructure for WebCT Faculty Development

Detailed Description:The University of Vermont’s Center for Teaching and Learning, in partnership with the Computing and Information Technology Department, built an infrastructure to support faculty and student use of WebCT. This session discusses faculty development for campus-wide WebCT use, beginning with fully online courses, through the new hybrid use of the software. This session will include two hybrid course model demonstrations and an introduction to “TECHCATS”, which utilizes the talent and knowledge of students to help faculty use WebCT.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors, Senior Administrators, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The University of Vermont’s Center for Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with the Computing and Information Technology Department, created an infrastructure for WebCT faculty professional development that has proven highly successful. The success stems from the multiple offerings for professional development, including a face-to-face five hour workshop over two days, an online course in WebCT, one-on-one support from other faculty and students, and a week-long laptop workshop. Results from WebCT student and faculty surveys will be distributed and discussed at the session. This session is the result of four years of continuing efforts to establish an online presence for the University of Vermont that would not only increase the availability of courses, but more importantly, offer a space where learning can continue outside of the classroom walls. This “virtual classroom space” reinforces student learning through increased interaction with course content, as well as asynchronous contact with peers and the professor. The creation of this online environment is possible through access to successful professional development for faculty across campus.

Session Leader:Holly Buckland Parker
University of Vermont
Co-presenters:Mary Lou Razza
University of Vermont

Justin Henry
University of Vermont

Ashley Steele
University of Vermont

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference