Tuesday, 13 July 2004: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM

Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

B-4: Changing The Paradigm: WebCT Campus Edition and Beyond

Detailed Description:This session will focus on the campus-wide implementation of WebCT Campus Edition as the course management system at Utah Valley State College. Academic administrators’ perspectives, implementation strategies, and approaches with faculty will be presented.
Presentation Format:Panel
Topic:Changing mindsets: Strategies for institutional change
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors, System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The implementation of new products and procedures is often accompanied by an initial resistance to change. Faculty members are often overloaded with requests to teach courses, maintain an active research program, supervise students, and meet the institutional requirements of college and community service. Presented with new technology, however useful it may be, is often perceived as an additional burden with limited potential benefits. This initial resistance to change is typically due to time constraints and being unfamiliar with the new product and what it does have to offer. Utah Valley State College made the decision to move to WebCT Campus Edition for the spring semester of 2002. This move also included making WebCT Campus Edition available to all faculty and all courses not just those delivered at a distance. As UVSC worked through the learning curve many lessons were learned.

In the fall of 2003 a new president assumed the position at UVSC. In the course of a number of structural changes that occurred as he assumed his office, a committee of several deans and faculty was commissioned to explore ways to improve the effectiveness of technology enhanced programs. The committee recommended processes for rationalizing the administrative structure, enhancing faculty training, increasing opportunities for faculty to demonstrate best practices, and to upgrading student support. These enhancements were to be created based on little or no additional resources. The Distance Education department was restructured and renamed the TEE Technology Enhanced Education. This new structure served as an umbrella organization which includes Distance Education and a new Faculty Technology Training Center. TEE and the TEE Advisory board are working with the Utah State Board of Regents focusing on the possibilities of WebCT Vista and a statewide license. The infrastructure is now in place to facilitate yet another change.

Session Leader:Cameron R. John
Utah Valley State College
Co-presenters:Lowell M Glenn
Utah Valley State College

Bruce Parker
Utah Valley State College

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference