Thursday, 15 July 2004: 8:30 AM-9:15 AM

Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

K-8: Linking Library Resources and WebCT

Detailed Description:This session will highlight Samford University’s creation of a tool to connect students with online library resources. This session will cover how we created the tool and shared it with faculty. It will also describe how we taught faculty to add customized links, to use persistent links to create online reserves and add these links to several WebCT tools. Faculty, instructional designers and those wanting to promote information literacy will benefit from this session.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, System Administrators, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:WebCT offers an excellent platform for integrating an academic library’s electronic resources with course material. In 2003, the Academic Computing Department, which provides WebCT administration and support, and the University Library partnered to create a Library Resources Tool. This tool was created to enable instructors to link to online library resources and to customize these resources to the specific needs of the class. The Library provided a list of key resources that almost any class could use and Academic Computing provided the technical skills to integrate these resources into a customizable content module.

A workshop was held in January 2004 to introduce this tool. The objectives of this workshop were: 1) to demonstrate how to use the existing features of the Library Resources Tool; 2) to demonstrate how the tool can be customized; and 3) to introduce online library resources that could be linked directly into WebCT.

The creation of the Library Resources Tool and the workshop helped both Academic Computing and the Library in many ways. First, it allowed both groups to learn more about each other’s resources to create new ways to integrate them. Secondly, both groups were able to reach an audience which may not have been interested in or understood their services. Library users became interested in WebCT for its ability to organize research tools, and WebCT users became interested in the library’s online resources and how they could be linked through WebCT. Finally, it was an opportunity for collaboration. This collaboration has already given birth to other future collaborations, such as the library’s investigation of using WebCT as its official online reserve system. Creating a Library Resources Tool has been a great way to promote information literacy on our campus, and it is a concept that can easily be incorporated at other universities.

Session Leader:Lisa A. McNeal
Samford University
Co-Presenter:Beth E. Ashmore
Samford University

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference