Wednesday, 14 July 2004: 3:15 PM-4:00 PM

Northern A-4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

I-14: Why Reinvent the Wheel? Using Templates in WebCT CE Courses

Detailed Description:UNM course developers have created a variety of templates incorporating online instructional design principles for use in web-based courses. We will briefly demonstrate these templates, including syllabus, student tutorials, surveys, and course templates. We will discuss how the templates work together to ensure best practices for online courses. Participants will be invited to request many of the templates demonstrated for modification and use on their own campuses.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and flexible design models
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:University of New Mexico online course developers have created a variety of templates for use in web-based courses. Online instructional design principles are built in to the templates, thus aiding faculty who have minimal experience teaching in this format. The use of these templates has helped increase course quality and the inherent consistency lessens the learning curve for students new to WebCT. Using templates also helps course developers to be more efficient when working with multiple courses and programs.

In this session, we will review the advantages of using templates in WebCT. We will briefly demonstrate various templates that have been developed at UNM, including syllabus, WebCT student tutorial, pre- and mid-course surveys, and course and program templates. These templates prompt instructors to think through the logistics of how they are going to offer their courses online and provide instructional guidance via suggested design elements.

We will not go into great detail on each template; rather we will discuss how the templates work together to ensure best practices for online courses. We will discuss how these templates serve to create quality courses that include elements such as interaction and community-building, a polished look and feel, clear navigation and instructions, and the collection of evaluative feedback from students. We will also discuss issues related to the distribution and maintenance of templates in WebCT Campus Edition.

Participants will be invited to request many of the templates demonstrated for modification and use on their own campuses.

Session Leader:Trina M. Altman
University of New Mexico/New Media & Extended Learning
Co-Presenter:John T. Granato
University of New Mexico/New Media & Extended Learning

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference