Tuesday, 13 July 2004: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM

Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel)

B-1: 10 Big Impact WebCT Teaching Tips

Detailed Description:As the instructor, ever feel overwhelmed with the 24x7 nature of a distance course? After using WebCT for several years, I’ve decided that some of the best knowledge I’ve gained on how to effectively teach a WebCT course does not involve technology skills. Rather, this session will focus on easy-to-implement organizational tips -- tips that have made a big impact on the quality of my WebCT courses while also improving my productivity as the instructor.
Presentation Format:Roundtable
Topic:Driving student success: Attracting, supporting and retaining learners
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:This Roundtable will discuss organizational methods I’ve learned over the years that have helped me improve the quality of my WebCT courses and also improve my own personal productivity.

For example, I’ve found that if I schedule my distance sections to coincide with the dates I’m teaching the same course in a traditional fashion, I’m much more mentally “in synch” with my distance students. By setting up the two sections to “meet” on the same day, administrative issues, course content, projects, and tests are all covered for both sections at the same time. I walk out of the classroom and go to my computer to “meet” with my online students having the same problems, issues, and questions fresh on my mind. I don’t constantly worry whether I’ve covered the right material for my distance classes, graded the right projects, or posted the right announcements. My traditional section keeps me on target with the accomplishments and problems that my distance students are facing too. In addition, projects and tests from both sections are graded at the same time improving my administrative productivity.

This and nine other organizational tips will be provided in this Roundtable. Brief handouts will be used as a conversational guide. The emphasis of this session will be for those in attendance to share best practices as they relate to organizing a high quality and productive WebCT class. The expected outcome is that all participants will walk away with several organizational tips that they can easily and immediately implement to improve their WebCT courses.

Session Leader:Lisa L Friedrichsen
Johnson County Community College
Co-Presenter:Carol L. Smith
Johnson County Community College

See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference