Tuesday, 13 July 2004

This presentation is part of C-9: Orientation to Distance Learning

Empowering Students – Online Distance Education Orientation

Description:This presentation shares an effective strategy for student success in distance education courses. We will discuss and present the Purdue University Calumet School of Nursing’s online version of the student distance education orientation. Instructional support personnel and faculty who are developing and offering any distance education course will experience a real time (live) demonstration. We will discuss and show the steps taken in the building, delivery and evaluation of the online distance education orientation.
Presentation Format:Oral
Topic:Driving student success: Attracting, supporting and retaining learners
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, Senior Administrators, E-learning Managers
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
WebCT Version:
Abstract Text:Prior to the creation of the Purdue University Calumet School of Nursing’s distance education orientation, a needs survey and a follow up pre-assessment survey showed that our students expressed difficulty in technical skills and knowledge relating to computer and web-based learning. As a result of these findings, we created a distance education orientation to meet the needs of our students using a multi-faceted approach.

The goal in creating the orientation was to make it as user friendly as possible. Consequently, our students are now able to access the orientation directly from the School of Nursing’s home page two weeks prior to the academic semester and two weeks after the semester begins.

The orientation is designed to be web-based, non-linear and interactive using a table of contents as a guide for navigation. We introduce students to strategies that included activities on how to use various software programs, the WebCT Vista course management system, and additional information helpful towards success as a distance education student. Students can choose the activity they want to pursue from the table of contents or use the step-by-step activity links offered throughout the orientation.

We have offered the distance education orientation six times over a three year period. Evaluation of the orientation has been very positive. Over 90% of the students who have completed the orientation report satisfaction. And 80% of the students reported improvement in their knowledge and ability using the computer and Internet. In conclusion, the online distance education orientation is a method towards ensuring student success as distance learners.

See more of Orientation to Distance Learning
See more of The 6th Annual WebCT User Conference