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Wednesday, July 12, 2006: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Michigan A Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
A-2: Blending with Quality
Detailed Description:The Quality Matters (QM) project at the College of Southern Maryland provides a replicable pathway for inter-institutional quality assurance and course improvements in online learning. The primary purpose of the QM project was to create and implement a process to certify the quality of online courses and online components. Participants will learn about the QM project and become familiar with the QM rubrics that can be used to design online or blended courses.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:The Quality Matters project developed a replicable pathway for inter-institutional quality assurance and course improvements in online learning. The primary purpose of the QM project was to create and implement a process to certify the quality of online courses and online components. The Quality Matters rubric and process have been adapted for use in blended (hybrid) courses. This session will provide an overview of the QM project and design issues for blended courses. Participants will be able to describe the QM course peer review process and will become familiar with the QM rubrics that can be used to design online or blended courses.

Session Leader:Jean M. Runyon
College of Southern Maryland
Co-Presenter:Thomas E. Gorecki
College of Southern Maryland

See more of The 8th Annual WebCT User Conference