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Thursday, July 13, 2006: 4:15 PM-5:00 PM
Colorado Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
K-5: Development of a Blended Physiology Laboratory Course Using WebCT Vista
Detailed Description:This session will describe the development of a blended laboratory course using WebCT Vista with laboratory simulations and traditional wet laboratories to advance human physiology practice. Ideal laboratory teaching conditions are rare, and complex experiments are expensive, hazardous, or time-consuming to perform in introductory laboratory courses. Learn how incorporating microcomputer technology enables a variety of teaching techniques that transform the laboratory into a true inquiry-based learning model.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and student support models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT
Abstract Text:Incorporating microcomputer technology enables a variety of teaching techniques that permits the instructor to become a resource person and facilitator of learning rather than the expert who imparts knowledge. Students enrolled in a physiology laboratory course participated in a study. All wet laboratories were replaced using PhysioEx TM 5.0 laboratory simulation in physiology. Students learning styles and personality characteristics were identified using Kolb's Learning Style and the Myer's Briggs inventories. Additionally, pre- and post- tests and final grades were compared to determine significant gains in cognitionThe results of this study helped develop a blended course incorporating computer simulations, wet laboratories and WebCt Vista surveys.

Session Leader:Sandra M. Weiss
Neumann College

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