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Wednesday, July 12, 2006: 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
Mississippi Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
B-1: "Introduction to Online Teaching": Modeling the Use of New Technologies
Detailed Description:Governors State University’s “Introduction to Online Teaching” course provides future online instructors with an overview of the technologies and processes of online learning. This session will provide an overview of the course and demonstrate how innovative tools are modeled within the course design and delivery. Technologies used in the course include synchronous audio conferencing (as both a student-instructor and a student-student interaction tool), wikis, blogs, RSS, and multimedia in both streamed and Flash formats.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Incorporating innovative tools: breakthrough technologies and WebCT
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Introduction to Online Learning is the first course in a four-course Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching. The course introduces faculty who are interested in teaching online to the technology, communication tools, learning processes and pedagogies that are utilized in online teaching. A very important part of the course involves exposing future online teachers to the online learning experience from the student perspective. Included in this experience is the use of innovative tools which, when used to support pedagogical objectives, can improve student engagement in online courses and enhance learning outcomes.

This presentation will provide an overview of the course and discuss how innovative technologies have been integrated into the course design in order to address the Seven Principles of Effective Undergraduate Education. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the use of innovative tools can empower students to better manage their learning experience, support online collaborative learning, and improve student-faculty interaction.

The presentation will consist of a PowerPoint-supported discussion of the course structure and design accompanied by live access to the actual online course to demonstrate how innovative technologies are integrated technically and pedagogically into the course. Technologies included in the course include Blogs, Wikis, RSS, synchronous audio conferencing using Ellumintae, and multimedia learning objects in both Flash and streamed video formats.

Participant questions and comments will be solicited. Guest access will be provided to the online course so that participants may explore the content and innovative tool use at their leisure after the conference. Facilitated discussion topics will be created within the course shell to respond to questions and to encourage collegial sharing of comments and ideas.

Session Leader:Jan Engle
Governors State University

See more of The 8th Annual WebCT User Conference