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Thursday, July 13, 2006: 10:00 AM-10:45 AM
Mayfair Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
G-14: Online Icebreakers: First Impressions Matter!
Detailed Description:Do you ever feel like the semester is almost over before you get to know your students? Do you look for ways to make your online class friendlier? Discover how to jump-start your next online course during the first week of class with some practical and easy “ice-breakers.” These activities are designed to make you and your students laugh, smile, and communicate through games, conversation, and teasers.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Enabling learning: Effective instructional practices and student support models
Target Audience:Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Many teachers feel like they just begin to know their students towards the end of the semester. Students come to class at various times of the week making focused introductory sessions difficult. Teachers and students both appreciate a classroom that is both teacher-student friendly and student-to-student friendly. Peer interaction can help to ensure more conversation and feelings of belonging within the classroom. This session was designed to help teachers and students become acquainted with each other during the first week of class which will encourage closer interaction throughout the semester.This session will provide faculty with some practical and easy suggestions to “break the ice” during the first week of class. These activities are designed to make students and teachers laugh, smile and converse with each other through games, conversation and teasers.

Session Leader:Susan H. Bailor
Front Range Communty College - Larimer Campus

See more of The 8th Annual WebCT User Conference