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Wednesday, July 12, 2006: 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
Michigan A Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
B-16: WebCT Campus Edition 6 System Administration Basics for Linux / Oracle
Detailed Description:Now that you have a running WebCT Campus Edition 6 system, how will you support it in a production environment? This session will discuss system layout considerations, back-up philosophies (database, section, and system), system management issues, course migration (the easy way), and system integration concerns. Sample scripts and actual commands will be provided in some key areas.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Integrating the campus: Technical solutions and extended uses
Target Audience:System Administrators
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:So you have a running CE6 system. Now how in the world are you going to support it in a production environment. The speaker will attempt to point you in the right direction. Here are some details on what will be presented.

I. Backups  

    A. Database Backups

       1. RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager)

          Sample configuration statements. Explanation of recovery window.

          Sample level 0 full hot backup.

          Sample level 1 incremental hot backup.

          Touch on restore and importance of trying one.

       2. Export   

    B. Section Backups

        1. (Line mode)

          Creates .bak files on the unix filesystem of the app server.

        2. GUI Backups

          Creates backups within the database table spaces.

    C. System Backups

          Unix dump/restore, cpio, tar, 3rd party products (Veritas).

          Must exclude Oracle tablespaces on DB server.

II. Disk Filesystems

      A. DB Server

          Oracle table spaces

          WebCT table spaces

          Oracle archived redo logs

           Rman Backups

      B. App Server

          WebCT software, Application logs, Weblogic logs

          Section backups

      C. Filesystem Flexibility

          Plan for filesystem growth before you need it, and practice the mechanics of doing an expansion.

                 SAN or array space add

                 LVM – where and when to use

                 Dynamic partition change (fdisk)


III. System Management

     A. Service Packs, Hotfixes, and Oracle patches

              When you should install them, what to do first, and how bad it can be when they go wrong.

      B. Operational issues

              Log management, bdumps, cdumps, etc.


     A. Migrating Courses (the easy way)

          GUI’s are tough to document, take many steps, and create a wide variety of results. So create a script

           to streamline the process and enforce agreed upon standards so all the support staff do things the same way.

     B. Adding and Enrolling Users

          Perl script conversions of existing CSV data used in CE4 systems.

V. Importance of Creating a Test Environment

Session Leader:Mike Cooling
California State University, Sacramento

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