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Friday, July 14, 2006: 10:00 AM-10:45 AM
Ontario Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
M-3: Becoming a Development Detective: Investigative Questions for Faculty
Detailed Description:Asking the right questions is the first step in becoming a good development “detective.” This session will address five critical questions that all course designers and faculty trainers should ask faculty when investigating the quality of their courses. Hear examples from the Economic Crime and Fraud Management programs at Utica College and discover new ways to enhance course design and student learning.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT
Abstract Text:To become a good detective, we need to learn to ask the right questions. Applied to course development, these questions serve as critical investigative tools for course designers and faculty trainers in addressing the issues of quality and student satisfaction in an online course.

But what are the right questions and to whom do they need to be addressed? Ultimately, the issues of quality and student satisfaction revolve around the role of faculty.

This session will explore the important questions that every faculty member (and the course designers and faculty trainers who seek to support them), should address when developing and teaching their online courses. They include:

(1) Where are you? (the question of identity); (2) What are you? (the question of knowledge); (3) Where are you? (the question of presence); (4) When are you (accessible)? (the question of availability); (5) Why are you? (the question of feedback).

Throughout, we hope to provide some easy-to-use best practices for course design while pointing out some of the problem areas we have encountered in our online programs.

By doing so, we hope this session will equip course designers and faculty trainers with the knowledge, understanding, and skills to become a development ‘detective' so that they can better assist faculty with the issues of identity, knowledge, presence, availability, and feedback in their online courses.

Session Leader:Jeffrey Wetherill
Deltakedu, Inc.
Co-Presenter:Gail Burchfiel
Deltakedu, Inc.

See more of The 8th Annual WebCT User Conference