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Thursday, July 13, 2006: 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
Ontario Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
H-11: The Matrix – Morphing WebCT Course Assessment
Detailed Description:This session will demonstrate an assessment matrix used by Idaho State University that compares objectives and outcomes with the specific type of instructional activities, learning styles, and WebCT tools. Using the matrix, instructional designers can determine effectiveness based on instructor feedback, tool selection, and student knowledge. See how the matrix supports both summative and formative evaluation to improve WebCT course design/re-design by morphing all the assessment information into one tool.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Measuring outcomes: Student achievement and course success
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, E-learning Managers, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:Idaho State University is assessing online courses using an assessment matrix that compares objectives and outcomes with the specific type of instructional activities, learning styles, and WebCT technologies. The matrix provides the instructional designer with a reflection piece to determine the effectiveness based on instructor feedback, designer tool selection, and student knowledge. The matrix supports both summative and formative evaluation to improve WebCT course design and re-design by morphing all the assessment information into one tool.

The methods applied in the matrix for course assessment activities rely on the ability to systematically organize and connect the course objectives and outcomes with the proper level from Bloom's taxonomy, which determines a hierarchy of students' understanding. In addition, the matrix requires the designer to collect analytical data focusing on assessment methods, technology employment, content delivery method, and expected student learning styles prior to the course offering. The data collected supports the evaluation activities of the course by comparing the various matrix requirements with the results of the instruction.

The evaluation approaches are determined during each activity and collected in the matrix for end-of-the-semester evaluation. The spreadsheet format of the matrix provides the designer with a tool for statistically manipulating the data collected. The course data collected in the results column of the assessment matrix maps the instructor's success facilitating each activity. Pre-test and post-test data collected in a set of knowledge surveys are analyzed to determine student success with each activity as it relates to students' initial knowledge and acquired knowledge. The assessment matrix provides the designer with a tool for course evaluation based on student knowledge, instructor facilitation, activity selection, and technology integration. This presentation will provide the participants with an instrument and best practice to begin assessing WebCT course offerings.

Session Leader:Randy Lee Stamm
Idaho State University
Co-Presenter:Lori Cheezem
Idaho State University

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