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Thursday, July 13, 2006: 4:15 PM-5:00 PM
Michigan B Room (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
K-9: If You Build It, Can They Teach It?
Detailed Description:Teaching online requires a different skill set from teaching in a traditional classroom. This session will focus on how to prepare your faculty for this new endeavor. The presenters will share a professional development course designed specifically to teach faculty how to facilitate online learning. Best practices and lessons learned will be discussed, along with evaluation data from faculty members who have taken the professional development course. Suggested resources and tools will also be shared.
Presentation Format:Showcase
Topic:Empowering educators: Professional development models and methods
Target Audience:Course Designers, Faculty and Other Instructors, E-learning Managers, K-12 Educational Staff
Appropriate Audience Level:Beginning or new users of WebCT, Experienced WebCT users
Abstract Text:This session will highlight the four-week online course, Teaching & Learning Online: Facilitating Web-Based Courses, developed to introduce community college faculty to the art of online teaching. Topics include: modeling the student experience of online learning, using rubrics for assessment, designing higher-level questions for discussion forums, using questioning strategies to extend and deepen discussions, providing quality feedback to learners, navigating the WebCT course environment, establishing course expectations, and the use of private online journals for learner reflection. The course designers (who also facilitated the course) will share lessons learned and best practices in developing and delivering faculty development courses online. Data from pre- and post-assessment surveys of learners will be discussed from the standpoint of faculty satisfaction, learning, and application of knowledge.

Session Leader:Betsy Guimond
Valencia Community College
Co-Presenter:Jeanne Davis
Valencia Community College

See more of The 8th Annual WebCT User Conference